The TQC is a standing commission of EFFAS. Its main tasks are to provide advice to the European Management Committee of EFFAS on all issues relating to training and qualification, and to evaluate the accreditations of professional designations at EFFAS and its national member societies with its Review Panel.

The commission meets on a regular basis around two to three times a year. There are a number of permanent agenda items, i.e. presentations by member societies and training schools on the training and qualification programmes and structures in their markets. Also, the commission members exchange their experiences with programmes that are run parallel by several member societies, like the CEFA, the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst® (CESGA) and the CIIA. There are currently 16,300 holders of the CEFA-designation in Europe, more than 2,600 Certified ESG Analyst® holders and 10,248 successful CIIA candidates at the final level.

The commission also supports the organization of the EFFAS Seminar series and the EFFAS Summer School held each year. The meetings of the commission are open to every representatives from national member societies who deal with training and qualification.


Jesús López Zaballos (IEAF/FEF, Spain)


Daniela Ropota (AAFBR, Romania)

Matheus van der Nat (ABAF, Belgium)

Annick van Segbroeck (ABAF, Belgium)

Marco Ravagli (AIAF, Italy)

Manuel Puerta da Costa (APAF, Portugal)

Klaus Beinke (DVFA, Germany)

Aarne Meijanen (FSFA, Finland)

Judit Toth (HCMPS, Hungary)

Mark Agus (IFS, Malta)

Heidi Nygaard (FFN, Norway)

Markus Bunk (ÖVFA, Austria)

Nils Liliedahl (SFF, Sweden)

Antoine Goyer (SFAF, France)

Marianne Bonato (SFAA, Switzerland)

Valeria Fauner (EFFAS)