EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst will be ESRS compliant

Frankfurt, 19 June 2024   EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst will be ESRS compliant.   Exciting Developments at the EFFAS Gasperini Awards: A Milestone in ESG Reporting. At the recent EFFAS Gasperini Awards in May, the agreement reached between EFRAG and EFFAS whereby EFRAG accredits our prestigious CESGA (Certified ESG Analyst) training programme as implementation guideline…

Javier de Frutos appointed to the PIOB Stakeholder Advisory Council.

31st of January – 2024 The decision of Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB), which ensures that the international audit and assurance, ethics, and education standards and processes for the accountancy profession are properly responsive to the public interest, has confirmed the appointment of Javier de Frutos, Chair of the EFFAS Commission on Financial Reporting. Javier…

Jesús López Zaballos appointed to the IFRS Advisory Council.

31st of January – 2024 We are delighted to announce that the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation recentlyapproved the reappointment of EFFAS on the IFRS Advisory Council with our Chair, Jesús López Zaballos, as its new individual representative. Jesús has been on the EFFAS Board since 2008 and chairs the federation since 2012. He holds…

Press Release: Professor Alexander Bassen takes EFRAG’s Sustainability Reporting Board Seat.

29th of January – 2024 PRESS RELEASE EFFAS is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Alexander Bassen, a distinguished academic from the University of Hamburg, as well as Chair of EFFAS ESG Review Panel, to the Sustainability Reporting Board (SRB) of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), effective as of the 11th of…

The Spanish Institute of Analysts and Softtek join forces to train leaders of change in the financial sector.

Madrid, October 19, 2023 The Spanish Institute of Analysts and Softtek join forces to train leaders of change in the financial sector. The “Financial Change Promoter” certification is an online training program focused on change management and adoption within the financial and insurance sectors. This training is aimed at teams leading transformation processes within their…

ÖVFA Annual General Meeting 2023

Vienna, 21 September 2023 ÖVFA undertake succesfully their 2023 Annual General Meeting at the Austrian Central Bank EFFAS is happy to communicate that this past 21st of September, the Annual General Meeting of the OVFA (Österreiche Vereinigung fuer Finanzanalyse & Asset Management) was held at the prestigious Austrian Central Bank in Vienna. This momentous occasion…

Fritz Mostboeck – ESG Posting on Rating Agencies

Linkedin Article Frankfurt, 28 August 2023 EFFAS Deputy Chairman Fritz Mostboeck posted an important ESG article today on LinkedIn because some rating agencies are withdrawing their ESG ratings on a quantitative basis. ”I have heard that some rating agencies are withdrawing their ESG ratings on a quantitative basis. Well, then they are returning more or…