SAVE THE DATE | Joint EFRAG EFFAS ABAF BVFA IASB invitation-only webinar- Improving reporting for rate-regulated entities – User perspective – 12 July 15:00 to 17:00 (CET)

14 June 2021. Do you analyse or invest in rate-regulated entities and rely on financial statements information? Are you interested in joining an invitation-only webinar on Tuesday 12 July 2021 for a users-oriented discussion on IASB’s proposals for improved and more consistent reporting by rate-regulated entities? Express your interest. Read the complete news

PROGRAMME | Business Combinations Under Common Control: Perspectives from Portugal | 8 July 2021 (9:30 TO 12:00 WET – 10:30 TO 13:00 CET)

10 June 2021. Stakeholders can now read the programme for the joint outreach event ‘Business Combinations Under Common Control: Perspectives from Portugal’ held by EFRAG, with the Comissão de Normalização Contabilística (CNC-Portugal), the Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (OROC) and the IFRS Foundation on Thursday 8 July 2021 (9:30 to 12:00 WET – 10:30…

EFRAG releases its 2020 Annual Review

03 June 2021. Despite 2020 having been a challenging year, EFRAG raised to the challenge and succeeded in delivering on its mission: serving the European public interest in the field of corporate reporting. In 2020 EFRAG enhanced its involvement in the sustainability reporting domain. Read all the details in our 2020 Annual Review. Read the…