TNFD and EFRAG Publish Correspondence Mapping

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and EFRAG have jointly published a mapping of the correspondence between the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the TNFD’s recommended disclosures and metrics, illustrating the high level of commonality achieved. This assessment highlights that all 14 TNFD recommended disclosures are reflected in the ESRS.   Access the TNFD-ESRS [correspondence mapping].  Download [press…

EFRAG Publishes Paper Addressing Interplay of Connectivity and Annual Report 

EFRAG has published a paper [“Connectivity considerations and boundaries of different Annual Report sections”] laying out the conceptual foundations, categories and benefits of connectivity, which is a relatively new concept within authoritative reporting. The paper also analyses reporting boundaries and points to several grey areas on the location of information. It suggests steps to enhance connectivity and lessen…

04 July 2024, 9:00 CEST Online Event: EFRAG Joins ASCG and AFRAC for German Outreach Event on IASB ED contracts for Renewable Electricity

The German Standard Setter (ASCG) together with the Austrian Standard Setter (AFRAC) and EFRAG, in cooperation with the IASB, will discuss the [IASB’s Exposure Draft ED/2024/3] Contracts for Renewable Electricity. The event will be held virtually and in German. Selected content may be presented in English.  If you would like to participate, please register by sending an email…

Javier de Frutos appointed to the PIOB Stakeholder Advisory Council.

31st of January – 2024 The decision of Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB), which ensures that the international audit and assurance, ethics, and education standards and processes for the accountancy profession are properly responsive to the public interest, has confirmed the appointment of Javier de Frutos, Chair of the EFFAS Commission on Financial Reporting. Javier…

Jesús López Zaballos appointed to the IFRS Advisory Council.

31st of January – 2024 We are delighted to announce that the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation recentlyapproved the reappointment of EFFAS on the IFRS Advisory Council with our Chair, Jesús López Zaballos, as its new individual representative. Jesús has been on the EFFAS Board since 2008 and chairs the federation since 2012. He holds…