Andrea Schenone from SFAA appointed to the EFFAS Commission on Financial Reporting

Frankfurt 2 March 2021 The EFFAS EMC welcomed the appointment of Andrea Schenone from the Swiss Financial Analysts Association to join EFFAS’ Commission on Financial Reporting (CFR) at their last videoconference held on 16 February 2021. Andrea Schenone joins the 7 current members of the CFR which is now made up of representatives from 8…


Frankfurt, 1 March 2021 THE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF INFORMATIO ON INTANGIBLES: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF CFOs AND INVESTORS It is a common understanding that intangibles are fundamental resources for explaining companies’ value creation and that they are critical to foster entities’ resilience over the medium to long term. Indeed, for some companies, most of…


Frankfurt, 25 February 2021 On Monday 1 March 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30 CET there will be a public explanatory Webinar from EFRAG EFFAS ABAF/BVFA IASB titled: Post- Implementation Review of Consolidated Financial Statements, Joint Arrangements and Disclosures – A User’s Perspective. The speakers will include: Hans Buysse, EFRAG Board Vice-President, Chairman of ABAF/BVFA and…

Case study: How MAPFRE GROUP is developing its investment capabilities

25 February 2021 José Luis Jiménez, CESGA, Group Chief Investment Officer at MAPFRE, shares his top priorities for expanding investments and his strategies for overcoming operational challenges with Sara Benwell in an interview published on Fund Operator. Mr. Jiménez sets out MAPFRE’s priorities to continue to develop their skills processes, procedures, and a product range,…

More than 1,200 asset managers already have the EFFAS ESG analyst certification, CESGA

Frankfurt, 24 February 2021 A total of 1,268 asset managers from around the world already have the CESGA title, an analyst certificate in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), from the European Federation of Financial Analysts Associations (EFFAS). This pioneering title in the international financial field consolidates its world leadership after the certification of 396 new…

IFRS Foundation Trustees announce next steps in response to broad demand for global sustainability standards

Frankfurt, 3 February 2021 The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation met on 1 February 2021 to review responses to the first three questions of their consultation paper on sustainability reporting – demand for global sustainability standards, whether the IFRS Foundation should play a role, and, if so, the requirements for success in doing so. They…

The European Reporting Lab @EFRAG Online public webinars for Preparatory Work on EU Non-financial reporting Standards

The Project Task Force on non-financial reporting standards (PTF-NFRS) of the European Lab @EFRAG is holding a series of online outreach events to take place between 13 and 22 January 2021, for collecting the views of stakeholders from different countries on the tentative proposals of the PTF- NFRS on possible EU non-financial reporting standards. The…

Jesús López Zaballos, the Spaniard at the forefront of European financial analysts

10 December 2020 Informativos TELECINCO, the news section of the most viewed Spanish TV channel, has published an interview with Jesús López Zaballos, The EFFAS Chairman, on what the foreseeable consequences of the current COVID-19 measures in our economies will be. Dr. López Zaballos was asked his views on various financial matters which are currently…