New members of the EFFAS Capital Markets Commission (CMC)

The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) welcomed Dr. Carsten Zielke (DVFA) and Séverine Piot-Deval (SFAF), who joined the EFFAS Capital Markets Commission (CMC). The nominations of Dr. Zielke and Mrs. Piot-Deval were approved by the EMC Executive Management Committee at the meeting held on 14 September. Dr. Carsten Zielke is a member of…

Jesús López Zaballos, Deputy Chair of IDIASEF

Madrid, 12 September 2022 IDIASEF, Institute for the development of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial and Insurance Sector, is born with the aim of becoming a meeting point between the academic and technological world and the world of business and real solutions. IDIASEF will focus on promoting collaboration and exchange between institutions and between professionals…

Control of financial and non-financial information of companies in Europe

Isabelle Grauer-Gaynor, Head of Corporate Finance and Reporting Unit of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), presents the role of the independent supervisory authority, the European counterpart of the AMF, and discusses the report analysing the way whose companies apply IFRS standards. Read more about this article wrote by the SFAF here.