For years, EFFAS has had a strong position in developing standards for the reporting of extra-financials. With its Commission on Intellectual Capital (CIC) and its Commission on ESG (CESG) EFFAS not only has been instrumental in communicating the needs of investment professionals in capital markets to corporates but has also provided practical advise in the form of Key Performance Indicators and interactive data formats. Thus, EFFAS has helped to enhance the integration of extra-financials in classic investment methods.
EFFAS CESG has now joined a partnership with the Lab. CESG’s work on KPIs for ESG has been acknowledged by the Lab as an important cornerstone to Lab’s mission. In the past months EFFAS has supported the Lab with conducting focus groups with investment professionals and companies across Europe to deepen its understanding of the needs and requirements of investment professionals around non financial performance and to test the developing model.
Head of Responsible Investment at Edmond de Rothschild. He is a graduate of the Paris University II (business law and management) as well as the IEP in Paris (finance and economics). He started his career in 1993 in the financial engineering department at Crédit du Nord. He developed his career from 1997 to 1999 at the Alpha group before moving to the extra-financial agency ARESE as head of development. In 2003, he was a director at Innovest and from 2005, head of ESG research at Oddo Securities.
He is member of the ICGN, PRI, WICI and member of the board of the Forum pour l‘ Investissement Responsible (French Social Investment Forum). He has co-written three books on responsible investments, l’Investissement Socialement Responsable (2005), ISR et Finance Responsable (2014) and the Routledge Handbook of Responsible Investment (2015).
Managing Director, Global Client Group at DWS, working in institutional distribution for German corporate clients and coordinates the ESG activities for the German institutional business on the distribution side. Frank started his the Asset management Area of Deutsche Bank AG, and gained after that 11 years experience at Sal. Oppenheim Kapitalanlagegesellschaft before joining DWS (formerly Deutsche Asset Management) in 2007 as Global Head of Product Management for the institutional business.
Since 2015 he has been a member of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).
Sonia is the ESG Investment Integration Manager at Generali, where she plays a key role in driving sustainable strategy and investment innovation. As the central liaison between the Group Chief Sustainability Office, the Group Chief Investment Office, Asset Management, and Wealth Management area, she actively facilitates the adoption of sustainable investment practices. Sonia holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Torino. She is a certified CIIA, CESGA and CEFA.
She collaborates with standard setters and contributes to several influential sustainability committees and task forces, including the FinDatEx ESG Technical Working Group, the Insurance Europe Sustainability Working Group and the AIAF Education Commission for ESG Issues. Sonia’s commitment to sustainability also extends to academia, where she shares her knowledge as a lecturer at Cattolica University in Milan.
Among her latest publications are: Exploring the Effectiveness of Sustainability Measurement: Which ESG Metrics Will Survive COVID 19? published in the Journal of Business Ethics (Springer); How to improve Biodiversity information published in Extinction Governance edited by Atkins J. and Macpherson M. (Routledge) and Introduction to SRI: From Traditional to Sustainable Investing (McGraw-Hill).
Alexander Bassen is a full professor of capital markets and management at the University of Hamburg, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Science (Germany). Alexander is member of the German Council for Sustainable Development – advisory body of the German Federal Government, member of the UN PRI Academic Network Advisory Council, Honorary Research Associate, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment (University of Oxford).
Global Director of Sustainability at ACCIONA. Jose Luis holds a degree in Chemistry from Universidad Complutense of Madrid and an MBA from IE (Instituto de Empresa) and counts with over 20 years of experience in the management, development and independent review of business responsibilities.
He is a member of Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance of the European Commission. Likewise, José Luis combines his professional work with teaching in a number of different universities and is internationally recognised as one of the greatest experts in the field of sustainability. He is also director of the training program for ESG financial Analysts -in corporate governance, social and environmental matters at IEAF in Spain.
Previously, during his extensive career, he has held positions of responsibility in different companies. He joined KPMG in 2003 and became named partner in 2008. Previously, he was Director in the Central Department of the Red Cross, Internal Auditor of the National Westminster Bank and Director of the NatWest Spain, Teneo and Entorno Foundations.
Dr. Daniela Carosio, Senior Partner and founder of Sustainable Value Investors, ESG service provider signatory of the UN PRI, is an investment professional and Certified Financial Analyst with over 30 years of professional experience in financial markets at Mediobanca (M&A and Investment Banking), the Italian Stock Exchange (C FO advisor), Standard & Poor’s (member of the London Governance
Assessment) and in syndicated loans and bonds at Bank Austria (Vienna). More recently, Head of Research, Prox
y Voting and Engagement of Etica SGR and Institutional Relations Dire
ctor of ECPI (Italy). Daniela is Board Member of the Network for Sustainable Financial Markets Next Gen, member of the Ethics and Systemic Risk Committee of International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and the EFFAS ESG Commission. LinkedIn
Senior Fund Manager at DWS Group. He co-leads the ESG activities of the DWS Multi Asset & Solutions Group. He is portfolio manager of several top-rated ESG Multi Asset funds. He joined Deutsche Bank in 1997 and DWS as a global equity portfolio manager in 2005. Since then he contributes to the firm’s ESG efforts and spearheaded several achievements for mainstreaming ESG aspects. Gunnar co-leads the German DVFA Commission on Sustainable Investing.
Gunnar has researched his PhD-Thesis with the University of Hamburg (2014-2019) on the relation of ESG-factors and financial performance. The study “ESG and financial performance: aggregated evidence from more than 2000 empirical studies” is widely reflected by investors, media, academia, and policy makers.
Martine Léonard has more than 40 years of experience in financial markets and more than 20 years in SRI/ESG. She is a current member of the EFFAS Executive Management Committee and the Chair of the French society, SFAF.
Ms Léonard has been involved in associations serving the community in sustainability matters. She is the President of the Sustainable Development Commission of the SFAF, a member of the EFFAS Commission of ESG (CESG), an active participant in the work of EuroSif and a former Vice-President of the FIR (Forum pour l’Investissement Responsable – French SIF) from 2003 to 2014.
Ms Martine Léonard has retired from her professional career but continues working hard in ESG matters. She is a member of the French SRI Label Committee and the Autorité des Normes Comptables’s Sustainability Information Commission. She is strongly in favour of transparency, quality, respect for binding promises and the absence of greenwashing.
Fritz Mostböck is Head of Group Research and Chief Economist at Erste Group Bank AG. He holds an MBA from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, is a Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA®) and a Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA®). He is responsible for macro/fixed income, credit and equity research in Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Austria. In addition, his division is responsible for defining the global investment strategy, which provides the input for Erste Group’s asset allocation. Mr Mostböck has many years of experience working with global institutional investors, especially those with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe. He is a member of the OVFA Board (Austrian Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management, and has been President of the OVFA since 2003, being re-elected in 2012, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022. Since 2006, Mr Mostböck has been a member of the EFFAS Board. In 2012, he was elected Deputy Chairman of EFFAS. From 2007 to 2018, he was Chairman and founding member of the EFFAS Commission on ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance issues) and is still a member. He is a member of the Austrian Working Group for Corporate Governance. LinkedIn
René Nicolodi is the Head of Equities & Themes and Deputy head of Asset Management at Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank. René received his Ph.D. from the University of Zurich, and since 2009 has been a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). In addition to his role at ZKB, René is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Business Administration Zurich (HWZ), the University of Zurich and the Swiss Training Centre for Investment Professionals (AZEK) and the International Management Institute in Kiev. René is a member of the ESG Commission of the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) and is a board member at Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF).
Mr. Westring is Senior Portfolio Manager based in Stockholm for the Traditional Insurance and Temporary managed funds at the “Swedish Pension Agency”. His wide-ranging experience in ESG has been consolidated in several positions: as Vice Chairman/Sustainable Manager Strategic development of Zmartic Fonder AB, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager at Strand Kapitalförvaltning AB and Senior Portfolio Manager at Nordea Bank AB, Private Banking.
Stefano Zambon (BSc in Business Economics, Venice; MSc & PhD in Accounting and Management Studies, LSE) is a Full Professor of Accounting and Business Economics at the University of Ferrara, Italy. With extensive experience as a financial analyst at AIAF since 2010, he also holds credentials as a chartered accountant and State-registered auditor. Stefano currently helds prominent roles in various international organizations and committees, including as Global Chair of the World Intellectual Capital/Assets Initiative (WICI) and Secretary General of the Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (O.I.B.R. Foundation).
Stefano has organized the European EIASM Conferences on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital since 2005 and has delivered keynotes at the OECD, United Nations, and European Parliament. With over 110 publications, he is a recognized authority in intangible asset reporting and international financial reporting, serving on editorial boards of leading journals and as a member of EFFAS’s General Assembly and ESG Commission.