The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) held the Executive Management Committee (EMC) meeting in a hybrid form in Madrid and via Zoom on 28th October 2022.
The EMC meeting was hosted by IEAF, the EFFAS Spanish member society, at there headquarters in Madrid. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Jesús López Zaballos (IEAF, Spain) and Chairman of EFFAS. He welcomed the EFFAS Deputy Chair, Fritz Mostböck (ÖVFA, Austria), the EFFAS Treasurer, Manuel Puerta da Costa (APAF, Portugal), Martine Leonard (SFAF, France) and Mette Lindbaek (NFF, Norway) to Madrid along with the attendees via Zoom who were, Micheline Arsenault (AIAF, Italy), Klaus Beinke (DVFA, Germany) and Hans Buysse (ABAF- BVFA, Belgium).
EFFAS is keen to revive having its EMC meetings in person or in hybrid form rather than solely by videoconference now that this is once again possible due to the current reduced risk form the Covid-19 pandemic.
The meeting discussed the current training programmes along with future certifications to allow financial analysts to stay ahead in the world of finance. The next EMC meeting will be held on 14th December 2022.