EFFAS News – 13 December 2024
Macau Daily News - First EFFAS Exam Center Established in Macau Introducing ESG Certification
Pioneering Research in Sustainable Finance
The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Certification Exchange and Exam Partnership Award Ceremony was held this morning at 10:30 a.m. at the headquarters of the Productivity and Technology Transfer Center in Macau.
Kuan Zhiping, Chairman of the Productivity Center, stated that since the United Nations introduced the ESG agenda, promoting ESG as a global investment compliance framework has become a crucial development direction for enterprises. In recent years, due to the global economy being affected by various environmental changes, banks, financial institutions, investors, and international brands have shifted from focusing solely on corporate financial performance to requiring operational resilience. This shift aims to strengthen long-term corporate value and achieve sustainable business goals.
The Productivity Center has continuously collaborated with various international professional organizations to provide internationally recognized training and certification to enhance the competitiveness of Macau’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To support Macau’s “1+4” industry development strategy and seize opportunities in sustainable finance, the center will partner with EFFAS to establish the first EFFAS exam center in Macau. This initiative will introduce ESG-related professional certification to cultivate professionals familiar with both finance and sustainable development.
Li Ailun, Chief Senior Manager of the Productivity Center, emphasized that companies establishing themselves or investors selecting enterprises now consider not only financial performance but also ESG performance. For technology and production companies to attract capital and investors, they must have ESG reports. In Macau, international corporations and large enterprises already have ESG reports. However, SMEs, as suppliers to large companies, also need to provide ESG reports when requested by clients. The Productivity Center has been receiving inquiries about ESG for some time, and related exam courses are expected to launch next year.

For more information, please contact:
Álvaro Wagener Díez | Marketing & Communications Manager
E-mail: a.wagener@effas.com Phone Number: +49 69 98959519
EFFAS is a Not-for-profit organisation set up in 1962 with 14 national member associations in Europe, representing more than 18,000 Financial analysts, Asset managers, pension fund managers, corporate finance specialists, risk managers, treasurers among many other professional profiles from the investment profession. EFFAS is a certification body for finance with over 27,000 certificate holders worldwide.