After studying the EFFAS Financial Risk Analyst®️ programme, you will be able to differentiate between the different types of risk and to successfully embed them in a framework, which, among others, defines market participants’ risk tolerance.
You will further be able to gain an in-depth view into credit risk, market risk and asset liability risk and understand different evaluation and assessment concepts such as the sensitivity analysis, the value-at-risk (VAR) approach or stress-testing.
This programme stands out among the new EFFAS programmes by providing the guidelines and principles for investment management. Founded in 1962, EFFAS has been setting standards in the financial industry for over six decades. As a cornerstone of the investment professional community, EFFAS has certified over 25,000 experts worldwide, underscoring our role as a trusted certification body in financial education and certification.
As the leading hub for investment professionals, EFFAS collaborates with international regulatory bodies and organizations to incorporate practical professional knowledge into decision-making processes. EFFAS conducts debates through its standing commissions and delegates across Europe with international reach.
Programme overview & Syllabus
To provide a uniform high-level standard of training for financial analysts within Europe with a strong focus on advanced investment analysis skills, the EFFAS Financial Risk Analyst®️ enables the charter holders to face the emerging challenges of our profession by covering:
Module 1. Financial Risks
Module 2. Derivative Instruments
Download the complete EFFAS Financial Risk Analyst® (EFRA) Syllabus Here.
Programme objective
This certification aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To differentiate between different types of risk and embed them in a comprehensive risk framework.
- To evaluate credit risk, market risk, and asset liability risk, using concepts such as sensitivity analysis, value-at-risk (VAR), and stress-testing.
- To develop an understanding of risk tolerance and its implications for decision-making.
To whom is it intended
With its focus on risk management and hedging capabilities, EFFAS Financial Risk Analyst®️ is especially aimed at asset managers with asset management companies, pensions funds, life insurance companies, wealth management companies; financial researchers; corporate finance specialists and treasurers; financial journalists; professionals involved in legislation / regulation of the above-mentioned fields as well as professionals already working in the investment sector – but looking for an advanced qualification.
How to become an EFFAS Financial Risk Analyst® Holder
Step 1:
Enrol on the EFFAS Financial Risk Analyst® (EFRA) Programme offered by an accredited EFFAS National Member Society (NMS). If you are located in a country without a NMS please visit EFFAS Academy website for registration.
Prerequisites: None, although some knowledge or experience in finance is helpful.
Step 2:
EFFAS estimates this programme to comprise approximately 60 hours of self-study. Students benefitting from sound mathematical and statistical knowledge might proceed faster; others will benefit from a refresher. What is more, fundamentals of economics as well as derivatives, among others, will be studies. Also, EFFAS provides the students pre-recorded video lectures of c. 45 minutes each plus tailor-made lecture notes emphasize elementary features of this block.
The exam will have a duration of 240 minutes.
In all of the above, EFFAS encourages you to continuously track your progress by addressing the respective multiple-choice and open problems provided in the database.
Register Now
Contact the accredited National Member Society in your country or visit the EFFAS Academy website.