How to Verify an EFFAS Certificate Holder:

To verify the professional qualification of an EFFAS certificate holder, please follow the steps below and send an email to with the required information:

  1. Signed Screening Authorization: Attach a signed screening authorization from the candidate. This document is necessary to grant us permission to proceed with the verification process.
  2. Full Name and Surname: Provide the candidate’s full name and surname to ensure accurate identification.
  3. Exam Pass Date: Include the date when the candidate successfully passed the certification exam.
  4. Country of Study: Indicate the country where the candidate pursued their studies and took the certification exam.
  5. Scanned Copy of the Certificate (Optional): If available, please include a scanned copy of the certificate in question. This can expedite the verification process.

Please note that verification requests will only be processed once all the required information listed above has been provided.