EFFAS’ response to the publication of the ISSB Sustainability Standards

The European Federation of Financial Analysts’ Societies (EFFAS) welcomes the publishing of IFRS S-1 and S-2 sustainability standards. This is a major step to having a set of high quality and consistent standards to facilitate stakeholders to analyse sustainable issues on the same basis. EFFAS also supports the continuous work of the European standard setters…

ESG Essentials arrives in Austria

We are proud to announce that the Austrian Association ÖVFA – Österreichische Vereinigungfür Finanzanalyse und Asset Management is launching the EFFAS ESG Essentials Programme in Austria in collaboration with BWG- Österreichische Bankwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. According to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR) since 10th March 2021 participants in financial markets and financial advisers have had to report on…

AIJA and EFFAS Sign Cooperation Agreement to Benefit Young Lawyers

AIJA, the global association dedicated to lawyers and in-house counsel aged 45 and under, and EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, are pleased to announce the signing of a cooperation agreement aimed at fostering cross-cultural understanding and supporting the professional development of young lawyers. The cooperation agreement aims to support the activities of…

EFFAS and Earth Academy partner to advance CESGA certification in the USA

The European Federation of Financial Analysts’ Societies (EFFAS), has reached an agreement with Amsterdam-based sustainability-focused education platform Earth Academy to promote the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst Certification (CESGA) in the USA. EFFAS’ Chair, Jesús López Zaballos, stated that “the USA’s influence on the world makes it a key area where training programmes such as the…

EFFAS’ ESG Essentials Programme arrives in Romania

The Association of Financial-Banking Analysts from Romania (AAFBR) in partnership with the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) is launching the ESG Essentials programme in Romania. It is designed to facilitate an understanding of fundamental concepts and trends in environmental and social issues along with corporate governance (i.e., Environmental, Social, and Governance, known under the acronym…

CESGA under the Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme

EFFAS is delighted to announce that on 12 December 2022 the Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA) was approved under the Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong) (https://www.greentalent.org.hk/) with the Programme Identification Code: GTP-260223. As announced by the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong in…