
450+ Candidates Ready to Get the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst, CESGA this summer

The upcoming CESGA Common Exam session to be held on June 11th 2021, counts 487 registered candidates, 20% more than the previous call Up to date, a total of 1,564 professionals from around the world already have the CESGA title granted by the European Federation of Financial Analysts Associations (EFFAS) and are Certified ESG (Environmental,…

Case study: How MAPFRE GROUP is developing its investment capabilities

25 February 2021 José Luis Jiménez, CESGA, Group Chief Investment Officer at MAPFRE, shares his top priorities for expanding investments and his strategies for overcoming operational challenges with Sara Benwell in an interview published on Fund Operator. Mr. Jiménez sets out MAPFRE’s priorities to continue to develop their skills processes, procedures, and a product range,…

The European Reporting Lab @EFRAG Online public webinars for Preparatory Work on EU Non-financial reporting Standards

The Project Task Force on non-financial reporting standards (PTF-NFRS) of the European Lab @EFRAG is holding a series of online outreach events to take place between 13 and 22 January 2021, for collecting the views of stakeholders from different countries on the tentative proposals of the PTF- NFRS on possible EU non-financial reporting standards. The…

ECB publishes final guide on climate-related and environmental risks for banks

27 November 2020, Frankfurt: ECB publishes final guide after considering comments from public consultation Banks to perfom self-assessment on ECB expectations in early 2021 ECB to fully review bank’s practices in 2022 Next supervisory stress test in 2022 to also focus on climate-related risks Separately, new ECB report shows that bank’s climate-related and environmental risk…

EFFAS Commission on ESG launches a Survey on ESG

Frankfurt, 15 April 2019The EFFAS Commission on ESG (CESG)has developed a survey to collectrelevant information on ESG issues. The survey has been circulated to the Secretary Generals of EFFAS member societies, with the kind invitation to circulate it among relevant members and encourage them to participate. The link to the Survey will be active…