EFFAS CESG Annual Conference on 25th November
The EFFAS Commission on Environment, Social and Governance (CESG) is holding its annual conference on the 25th of November 2021 at the DVFA headquarters in Frankfurt from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (CET). This hybrid conference, with online and in-person attendance, will highlight financial intangibles and sustainability.
The event will be opened by Fritz Mostböck, Deputy of the EFFAS EMC and Head of Group Research and Chief Analyst of Erste Group Bank AG and Frank Klein, Senior Coverage Specialist, Client Coverage Division at DWS, board member DVFA and co-chair of the EFFAS CESG.
For the Keynote: State of the art on Sustainability reporting standards whether attending online or at the venue you will have the pleasure of hearing from Patrick de Cambourg, Member of the EFRAG Board, Chair of the Project Task Force on preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards. Ruben Feldman from Swisscanto Invest will be speaking about the Implementation of climate goals and strategies in asset management.
Jose Luis Blasco, Global Director of Sustainability at Acciona S. A., and member of CESG, who will speak about the Taxonomy contribution to ESG in Europe and then moderate the next topic Corporate reporting and disclosure to be discussed by the panellists, Andrea Gasperini – Head of Sustainability and ESG Observatory in AIAF and member of the EFFAS CESG and EFFAS ESG Review Panel, Isabelle Grauer-Gaynor – Corporate Finance and Reporting Team Leader at ESMA, and Dr Carsten Zielke, Research Consult GmbH, member of the Project Task Force on preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards, mandated to EFRAG by the European Commission, member EFFAS CFR.
Dr Gunnar Friede, Senior Fund Manager at DWS Group, member of the CESG will speak about ESG and SAA for multi asset strategies.
The latest trends in ESG will be discussed by: Prof. Alexander Bassen – full professor of capital markets and management at the University of Hamburg and Academic Director of the EFFAS CESGA Programme; Thorsten Müller – Managing Partner at Lighthouse Corporate Finance GmbH, member of DVFA, co-chair EFFAS Capital Markets Commission; Barbara Cohen, Executive Director in charge of reviewing and approving credit rating Methodologies at Scope Ratings, Chair of Credit Commission SFAF CESGA holder; and Dr Gunnar Friede – Senior Fund Manager at DWS Group, member of the EFFAS CESG.
The final panel discussion about Human Capital, Reputation, IP, Innovation capacity….poses the question Are intangibles the missing link between finance and sustainability? With Jean Philippe Desmartin, Edmond de Rothshild monderating as the following experts put forward their answers: Prof. Stefano Zambon, Secretary-General, Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (OIBR), Professor, University of Ferrara and member of the EFFAS CESG; Ian Bishop – Group Fin.–Head of Accounting, Consolidation & External Reporting, Roche; Gianluca Manca – Head of Sustainability at Eurizon Capital.
Jean Philippe Desmartin, Edmond de Rothschild will round off the event with his closing remarks.
Register now to the EFFAS CESG Annual Conference here and view the Agenda