The EFFAS Review Panel is part of the EFFAS standing commission on Training and Qualification. According to the Federation Governance Model (last revision 11 Nov. 2015). Its main task is the EFFAS Diploma Designation Quality Control and it reports directly to the EFFAS Board. Since its foundation in 1990 -as the Commission on Training and Qualifications Accreditation Board- the TQC Review Panel has carefully examined the member society programmes at inception and then on a five-yearly basis or substantial changes to the programme. This way the member societies can have and maintain the EFFAS accreditation and award the qualification “Certified European Financial Analyst”.
The Review Panel has five outstanding Academic Members, with excellent reputations (a current position as university professor is highly desirable) and/or wide experience in the financial profession.
Prof. Dr. Leef H Dierks (EFFAS)

Dr. Dierks (1977) was appointed Professor for Finance and International Capital Markets at Lübeck University of Applied Sciences in winter 2013/14. Guest professorships led him to universities in Almaty (Kazakhstan), Amman (Jordan), Chiang Mai (Thailand) and Hangzhou (China), amongst others. Between 2010 and 2013 Dr. Dierks served as Global Head of Covered Bond Strategy at US-investment bank Morgan Stanley in London. Previously, he worked as a Vice President analysing the European fixed income markets at Barclays Capital in Frankfurt.
In 2006, Dr. Dierks earned a doctoral degree (magna cum laude) for his research on “The impact of trust as a determinant of consumer behaviour under uncertainty – an empirical analysis of consumers’ reactions to a random external shock in Europe” at the Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel. Following longer stays in Pretoria, South Africa and Mexico-City, Mexico, Dr. Dierks studied economics as well as business administration at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel from 1997 to 2003. Within the scope of his diploma thesis, he investigated the “Predictability of Currency Crises” at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW).
Dr. Dierks has been awarded the Faculty of Economics’ “Lecturer of the Year Award” in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 and is a liaison professor of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (SddV). Further, Dr. Dierks is former Deputy Chairman of EFFAS’ Capital Markets Commission (CMC) and Academic Director of the Certified European Financial Analyst Programme.
Prof. Dr. Lidija Dedi (Croatia)

Lidija Dedi is a Full Professor at the Department of Managerial Economics, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb (Croatia). Her research field is financial analysis (corporate finance, investment analysis, capital budgeting, portfolio management). She teaches undergraduates (both on the Croatian and English programs), graduate and postgraduate (Master’s) level at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics & Business. Lidija is the Program Director for Graduate Studies in Analysis and Business Planning, chair of the Council for Graduate study of Analysis and Business Planning, member of the Committee for postgraduate specialist university study programs and member of the Committee for integrated undergraduate and graduate university study program at the Faculty of Economics & Business – Zagreb, member of WDSI (Western Decision Sciences Institute, USA), member of Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI)’s Educational Council as well as Board member of HUFA (Croatian Association of Financial Analysts).
Prof. Federica Doni, PhD (AIAF Italy)

Prof. Federica Doni is a registered Italian Auditor (no. 152085) and Associate Professor in Business Administration and Accounting at the Department of Business and Law, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy. There she occupies different positions, i.e.: as Member of the Scientific Committee BASE (Bicocca Environment Society Economy) on topics of circular economy and sustainability reporting; as Scientific Director of the master’s degree Sustainability in Law Finance and Management (SiLFiM) at the Department of Business and Law; as Scientific Director of the International Summer School Erasmus Plus Jean Monnet Module Sustainability Disclosure in Corporate Reporting (SDCR), among others.
Prof. Doni is a member of the “European Accounting Association” (EAA), the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR, University of St. Andrews, UK), the IR Academic Network (IIRC, London, UK) and the Standing Committee of the British Accounting and Finance Association Special Interest Group on Corporate Governance (BAFASICG, UK). Academic Member of the Research Team IUSDRP (Inter Universities Sustainable Development Research Programme) at Metropolitan Manchester University (MMU, UK). She is a member of the Integrated Reporting Academic Network, IIRC, London, UK, a member of the Principles for Responsible Investment’s (PRI) Academic Network.
She is a standing member of the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) Review Panel and a member of the Italian Association for Financial Analysis (AIAF). Prof. Doni is member of the research group SIDREA on Business Valuation since 2013. She is also, academic representative of the Membership of the Italian Association of Professors in Accounting and Business Administration with International Valuation Standard Council (IVSC) and Editor of the Section of the Italian Journal of Chartered Accountants on “New trends on Valuation Standards” (from January 2019).
She is the Principal Investigator of the Jean Monnet Module Application “Sustainability Disclosure in Corporate Reporting. Improvement and harmonization of best practices in European Union” that has been selected for EU support (2019-2022).
Her primary research interest over the past 15 years is in International Accounting, Financial Reporting, Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, corporate governance, ESG and Integrated Reporting, SDGs, climate change and biodiversity reporting, assurance of sustainability information, where she has contributed with an extended list of publications. Her main teaching activities are focused on International Accounting, Business Analysis and Valuation, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Management Accounting, Sustainability reporting and ESG.
Dr. Laurence Porteu de la Morandière (SFAF France)

Dr. Laurence Porteu de la Morandière is an associate professor at ESC Pau Business school since 2006, after 13 years in the Financial Analysis business (buy-side analyst). She holds a Master´s Degree in Management and Finance from Paris Dauphine University. She defended her PhD dissertation in 2012 in Paris Dauphine University on the topic of the links between financial analysts ranking and their performance. Her teaching areas are linked to her previous business experience: asset valuation – financial analysis of listed companies – portfolio theory and portfolio management.
Since 1992 Laurence has been Member of the SFAF (with a break between 2003 and 2012), and she is the school referent for the Certification the AMF Exam. She has been involved in the faculty and governance team that prepared the different accreditation audits at the ESC Pau Business School:
EFMD – EPAS accreditation from 2010 to 2017 and French Grade Master in 2017.
Prof. Dr. Franziska J. Peter (DVFA)

Prof. Dr. Peter is Chair of Empirical Finance and Econometrics at the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
She studied International Economics at the University of Tuebingen and continued her academic track as a doctoral researcher at the University of Tuebingen with a focus on financial econometrics. With her PhD research, “Where is the Market? Three Econometric Approaches to Measure Contributions to Price Discovery”, she gained a PhD in Econometrics in 2011, followed by the Venia Legendi (Habilitation) in financial econometrics in 2016. Since then, she has been Professor for Empirical Finance and Econometrics at the Department of Corporate Management and Economics at Zeppelin University, Lake Constance. Within her research, she focusses on empirical financial market research, dealing with stock options and cryptocurrency markets.
Dr. Peter’s research has been presented in several international conferences and published in leading international journals such as the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Studies in Non-linear Dynamics and Econometrics and the Journal of Banking and Finance, among others.
In 2020 Prof. Dr. Franziska Peter joined the lecturer team of the E-CEFA.