The EFFAS Commission on Environment, Social and Governance (CESG) held its Annual Conference in hybrid form in Vienna and via webinar on 16 September 2022. Around 30 people attended the event in person which was kindly hosted by ÖVFA at the Austrian National Bank and around 100 people joined the webinar. The speakers and discussion panels covered current hot topics in ESG.
The CESG conference Opening Remarks were from Fritz Mostböck, Head of Group Research Erste Group Bank AG, EFFAS Deputy Chair and Frank Klein, Senior Coverage Specialist, Client Coverage Division at DWS, Board member DVFA and Co-chair of the EFFAS CESG.
Jean-Philippe Desmartin, Head of Responsible Investment at Edmond de Rothschild and Co-chair of the EFFAS CESG moderated the Key discussion: Global Sustainability Reporting Standards, ISSB and EFRAG – The way going forward to converge? Patrick de Cambourg, Member of the EFRAG Board, Chair of the Project Task Force, developed this topic.
Rene Nicolodi, Head of Equities, Deputy Head Asset Management and Sustainability, Swisscanto and Dr. Gunnar Friede, CIIA, CEFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, Head of ESG Multi Asset & Solutions, DWS Investment GmbH, both members of EFFAS CESG, intervened in the panel about the latest trends in ESG. Mr. Mostböck, EFFAS Deputy Chair also joined the panel.
The Human capital at the heart of ESG and Intangibles panel brought together specialists such as: Daniela Carosio, Senior Partner, Sustainable Value Investors and member of the EFFAS CESG; Walter Hatak, Head of Responsible Investments, Erste Asset Management and Prof. Stefano Zambon, University of Ferrara and member of the EFFAS CESG.
Prof. Alexander Bassen, full professor of capital markets and management at the University of Hamburg and Academic Director of the EFFAS CESGA Programme and member of the EFFAS CESG, shared the latest news of the update to the EFFAS CESGA certification.
Mr. Leo Mongendre, Senior Manager at KPMG International, and KPMG Global Decarbonisation Centre’s Carbon Markets Lead, introduced an interesting presentation titled: What is going on in carbon markets?
Harald Hagenauer, Head of Investor Relations of the Austrian post kindly stepped in to replace Walter Oblin, CFO of the Austrian Post on the topic of How CFOs’ jobs have changed with ESG?
Jan Pie, Secretary General, Aeronautic, Space, Defence and Security (ASD) and Jan Westring, Senior Portfolio Manager, Swedish Pensions Agency, member of CESG and Swedish speaker gave a relevant, current and novel presentation called: The (conventional) weapon topic in a changing global geo-strategic and political environment.
The videos of the EFFAS CESG conference will be available soon in the video section on this website.