The mortgage market: Lars EO Svensson (SFF – Sweden)

The mortgage market: Lars EO Svensson, Wednesday March 22 at 12.00 – 1.30 pm on Anglais Professor and former Deputy Riksbank Governor Lars EO Svensson will come to SFF and give his view on the Swedish mortgage market and its regulations. Are Swedish housing prices and household debt too high? Do the amortization requirements increase the resilience of…

Social bonds: Björn Bergstrand, Kommuninvest

Social bonds: Björn Bergstrand, Kommuninvest on December 6, 2022, at 12.00 – 1.30 pm on Anglais Björn Bergstrand, head of sustainability at Kommuninvest will come to SFF to describe developments in the financing of social investments and more specifically Kommuninvest’s framework for social bonds. Cost: No cost for SFF members. In light of the fact that SFF covers the…

The Swedish energy market: Professor Jan Blomgren

The Swedish energy market: Professor Jan Blomgren on Monday 21 November at 12.00 – 1.30 pm in Anglais Jan Blomgren is a professor in applied nuclear physics, author of the book “All you need to know about Sweden’s electricity supply” and has been active in his own company for ten years. Cost: No cost for SFF members. In…

DVFA Conference Governance & Sustainability

At the DVFA Conference Governance & Sustainability, you will get exclusive insights into the evaluation of the DVFA Scorecard for Corporate Governance, which will be published for the year 2022 on the day of the conference. New this year is the first evaluation of the SDAX companies. Discuss corporate governance, commitment and impact with our speakers…