Eagerly awaited EFFAS ESG Essentials launch April 2022

EFFAS, pioneer in ESG certifications worldwide, is pleased to introduce the ESG Essentials programme. The concept of responsible investment is here to stay. ESG (Environmental, Social and corporate Governance) factors are no longer the sole reserve of clients committed to protecting the planet: today ESG factors are important for everyone pursuing profitability. The new EFFAS…

AIAF Webinar How and Why Asset Managers Use ESG: Current Trends and New Approaches

EFFAS’s Italian member, Associazione Italiana per l’Analisi Finanziaria (AIAF), is holding a webinar How and Why Asset Managers Use ESG: Current Trends and New Approaches on Wedndesday 23 March 2022 at 17:00-19:00 (CET) Asset Managers are reconsidering their approach to include a multidimensional and sustainable lens on business, changing their decision-making and organizational models, along…

Signature: Assigned (IEAF)


TRIBUNA written by Jesús López Zaballos, Director of the FEF / IEAF School and President of EFFAS. Published by fundspeople.com/es (translated by EFFAS) The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) has granted ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) analyst certification since 2014, which has already been obtained by more than 2,000 professionals from 53 countries. The Certified ESG…


Collaboration agreement between EFFAS and Basel Business Club

1 November 2021 The European Federation of Financial Analyst Associations, EFFAS, has reached a collaboration agreement with the Basel Business Club, an association of young professionals with high potential. EFFAS has reached a cooperation agreement with the Basel Business Club, which brings together more than 100 members from 22 countries. Jesús López Zaballos, president of…

Picture CESGA Programme

The EFFAS AGM appoints EMC Members for the period june 2021-june 2024

Frankfurt, 4 June 2021 On 4th June 2021 the EFFAS AGM appointed Ms. Mette Lindbaek and Mr. Friedrich Mostboeck members of the EFFAS Executive Management Committee for the period June 2021-June 2024. Since 2019, Mrs. Lindbaek has been the Managing Director for the Norwegian Society of Financial Analysts (SFF). Before this, she held a position…


EFFAS will participate in the ASIFMA ESG & Sustainable Finance Week 1-4 June 2021, Virtual Event

Prof. Dr. Bassen will participate on Wednesday, 2nd June in the Panel 1 on “The Capacity Building and Training for ESG and Sustainable Finance” to present some facts and figures about the EFFAS CESGA. With unanimous support from the ASIFMA Sustainable Finance WG and AAMG ESG Group, ASIFMA is bringing a new conference to its…


Appointment of the new members of the EFFAS commission on Capital Markets Commission (CMC)

Frankfurt, 19 May 2021 The EMC approved in the EMC meeting today, the applications for the members of the EFFAS Capital Markets Commission (CMC). Mr. Angelo Dipasquale (AIAF, Italy), Mr. Thorsten Müller (DVFA, Germany) and Mr. Mag. Stefan Maxian have been appointed for the period June 2021-June 2024. Together with Ms. Barbara Cohen, these professionals…